Ramsey HS Music Course Offerings
See below for our wide variety of music classes we offer at RHS!
Ramsey High School Chorus
The Ramsey High School Chorus is a curricular ensemble that meetings during the school day. The RHS chorus is open to any student at Ramsey High School and has performed as an opening act for the band Foreigner at Carnegie Hall, performed at Radio City Music Hall, been featured at Walt Disney World, and has had numerous features on nj.com.

Digital Music Production
The Digital Music Production Class creates a synthesis between music and technology. The class is designed to allow students the ability to create and produce music and recordings of superior quality using contemporary recording techniques. Students leave with a deep understanding of recording, mixing, and mastering using Logic Pro, an industry standard program.

Fundamentals of Music Theory & AP Music Theory
Fundamentals of Music Theory is an entry level course offered during the 21-22 school year for students interested in learning how to read and write music. Fundamentals is open to all students of Ramsey High School and is a prerequisite for AP Theory. AP Music Theory is a collegiate level course offered in the 22-23 school year that includes an in depth look at melody and harmony. Students in the AP Music Theory class have the option to take the AP test for college credit.